Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sewer, Mud, Jack-hammers and dust

In a post last week I hinted about some renovations that were happening at our house. When we bought our current home, we knew that the area we were moving too was on septic systems, we also knew that the area was going to be put on to the City's sewer infrastructure. Last summer they dug up our street  to put the main sewer line in. And this summer the sewer system in our neighbourhood became operational, so we could start the process of hooking up to the sewer system.  What does that involve you ask? Well it involves Mud, Jack-hammers and dust! More precisely dig up your front lawn and run a lateral from the City Sewer line to your house, and then (in our case) we chose to 're-plumb' (i just made that word up) by running new plumbing pipes out through the front of the house to hook up with the lateral. You see our septic system is in the back yard and to connect to the sewers you can either continue to go out the back but re-route it around the front or you can 're-plumb' your house and make the interior plumbing go out the front.
So on October 6th  they (the nice people at Plumbing Now) started work.
Here is the starting point, the pipes going into the ground is the holding tank for the basement toilet and right in the middle of the picture you can see the pipes going out of the back of the house to the septic system.
Here they have removed the holding tank and started to 're-plumb' out the front
next they run it to the front of the house
and out the front of the house, yes that is water in the trench they dug. It rained biblical amounts of rain the day they started....
as a point of reference here is what that section of the room looked like 48hrs previous:
of course cracking open concrete floors brings up lots of dust, so we on top of moving everything out of the way we had to cover it up with tarps and plastic
From this blog entry title we have covered Jack-hammers and dust... that only leaves mud: here is what our front lawn looked like as they installed the lateral:
All of this happened right before Thanksgiving weekend.
There will be a part two to this post, the work is finished but I am still working on putting the room back together.

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