They made it from scratch, i.e. home made crust!!! The kids ate a ton of the dough and I _think_ they managed to help some what. Here is the almost final product, didn't want to take a pic with the top on (by the way the pie is sitting on some of Isla's art work, more on that later this week)

And then after a little time in the oven:

After the pie came out of the oven it was my turn, on tap was roast chicken, with potatoes, sweet potatoes and sausages.
Starting ingredients:

All cut up:

The peelings from the potatoes made a kinda interesting photo:

Next up some sausages (chorizo and hot italien if you are curious)

And then we add everything together in a roasting pan:

Then on to the chicken, really simple but tasty salt and peper, melted butter and sage

After about 1.5hrs in the oven the chicken was ready:

The potatoes and sausages were ready as well:

On the plate ready to eat, see even some veggies!

The meal was absolutely delicious, it was almost a "Thanksgiving" type meal.
And if you think I have forgotten about dessert, you would be wrong. Home made apple pie and vanilla ice cream!!

That is all for now
Take Care
Ewan (about 5 pounds heavier than he was at the start of the day)
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