Thursday, April 22, 2004

-Chomper1 and Chomper2-
Keir has his first two teeth! It started with his chomper1, lower right anterior (that is from Jen), coming through and now chomper2, lower left anterior, is starting to show as well.
There was a couple of rough nights where the teeth coming in were bothering Keir. It supposedly gets easier as more and more teeth come in.
If you put your finger into Keir's mouth you had better watch out because chomper1 or chomper2 will get you!
I have tried to get some photos of Keir's teeth but as you can imagine it is hard to get Keir to stay still long enough to get a good shot.
The quest for Tooth Pictures will go on!
Keir is very loud, he is making all sorts of noise. Lots of babbling, grunting, cooing, and mumbling. I swear I have heard him say several words all ready; you just have to listen really carefully ;-)
That is all for now
Take care

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