Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Family Walk

With summer coming to an end (sorry someone had to say it....) we decided to go for a walk last night because we were not sure how many more nice summer nights there would be.
We went to a trail that is owned by my place of employment
It is a nice little walk in and around the Jock River, and a nice natural setting in a urban area. We got to the trailhead and Keir had to make a ..... errr.... "pitstop"
With that out of the way we set off. BTW Keir decided we should pack supplies for the hike, hence both of the backpacks on the kids. Keir's didn't last long (about 5mins and then he decided it was too heavy). The trail leads you down to the river. Here is what you see looking the "nice" way (i.e. the natural way)
and here is the looking the other direction:
The kids had fun exploring all around up and down:
All in all it was a nice little walk, espcially considerding it was 10mins from home.
Here is the full photo set here

That is all for now
Take care


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