Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Originally uploaded by apartment5b
Isla sleeping, which is what she likes to do best. Wednesday she will be two weeks old. We have been settling into a routine. Isla has been eating (a lot) and sleeping (a lot). We have had a couple of nights were she hasn't slept much, but that is probably because she is sleeping to much during the day.
Keir started back at day care today (they take a break during the summer). He was happy to be back at school (as we call it) and to see his friends again.
more pics later this week.


Pascale said...

Oh my goodness! She's gorgeous!
You guys must be loving the sleeping...that's fantastic. Hope it continues.
Take care, all of you and hope to see more pics and hear stories of how Keir is coping being a big brother (I know, I know, I'm very greedy!)
Love to you all,

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Congratulations! She is absolutely gorgeous! It has been so long. Are you living in Ottawa now? You should drop us a line one day and we should get all the kids together.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that last comment was from us. Sara and Mark