I am officially on holidays now(woot-woot) and yesterday the kids and I made Gingerbread cookies to start off the Xmas holidays.
For anybody who wants to follow
along the recipe is here the cookies turned out very good and tasty.
We mixed everything up the night before and let it chill in the fridge, then you are able to roll the dough out better.

Once the dough is rolled out it is time to get the cutting shapes out, here is Isla showing you all the cutters we have:

There were lots of shapes and sizes to make but the main ones to use were the Gingerbread-men...Gingerbread-people if we are being PC :-)...

Once we got all the shapes cut out it was in to the oven to bake:

Out of the oven with Isla "inspecting" them:

And of course now we needed to decorate the cookies, the fun and sticky part!

Here is a close up of Isla at work!

And here is what the cookie looked like after she was done with it, I think there was literally an inch of icing on it!

The final products with a _little_ less icing:

The cookies will be left out for Santa , whom I am sure will enjoy them :-)
That is all for now
Take care