Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Hockey Night

Last friday Keir, my Dad and myself went to an Ottawa Senators game. The tickets were part of Keir's Xmas presents and he had been looking forward to it for ... well since Xmas ;-)
We started off with supper before the game, we got Keir a hamburger and fries, he proceeded to have about three bites and two fries. I asked why he wasn't eating, his response was that he wanted to save room for "hockey food". "What is hockey food?" I asked. "Giant Pretzels!" Keir said with a smile.
The game was against the Boston Bruins, ironically it was also Chris Kelly (a long time Ottawa Senator, that got traded to the Bruins) first game for the Bruins. It was also Thomas Caberale first game as a Bruin, the Bruins were very active in the trade market as they seem to be stocking up for a playoff run.
We made it out to the game and eventually found our seats, here is Keir happily waiting for the game to start:
Before the game started the national anthems (American and Canadian) was played. They  started a tradition a couple of years ago, the traditon is while the Canadian National Anthem is being sung, they pass around a really, really big flag:
Keir enjoying the game:
Keir enjoying more "hockey food" timbits! Not sure how those are hockey food but that is what he asked for:
We had great seats (probably some of the best in the arena) in the second ring of the arena. You really got to see the game, but were also close enough to see all the action. The seats below us are technically "better" than ours (they are more expensive) but the glass and the netting can obscure the play.
Here is Keir and Grandpa near the end of the game.
The Sens ending up losing the game (they have lost a ton of games this year, although they actually played fairly well all things considered) but most importantly we all had a really good time.
That is all for now
Take care

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