Monday, July 14, 2008

-Still Alive-

Blogging hasn't really been top of my list of things to do these days but time for an update.
I operate on the very simple principle/saying: "That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger"... well lets just say that we are going to be much STRONGER after the past couple of weeks.
We have moved from our first family home to our new home. We bought the home back in November of last year and had a long closing.
The move process was chaotic (there seemed to be a problem or two everyday for a whole week), made even more chaotic with two small kids. Keir has responded extremely well to the move, and really hasn't missed a beat. Isla on the other hand... Isla got sick a couple of days after the move and was reduced to a poor wimpering, snautering, sickly little girl. The result was not a whole lot of sleep for mom and dad and Isla. She is feeling better now, but her sleep patterns seem to all out of whack, hopefully the will return to normal soon.
Hopefully that didn't sound to negative (I hate that) so to balance things off here are some positives:
Manotick (where we moved too) is absolutely beautiful
Our street is amazing, everyone is really friendly
My commute to work is a 10min run, 4min bike (if I take the short way to work) and I haven't used to car to get to work yet!
Our backyard is the best part, Keir (and Isla) love it.

I will post some pics soon, when I have some more time

That all for now
take care

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