Friday, August 24, 2007


Originally uploaded by apartment5b
In the car on the way home.
So we are officially home. we actually got home thursday afternoon, we had to wait for Isla to pee. Before they let the babies go home they want to make sure everything is functioning, so they need to see two pee's and two poops(I know ... very glamorous).
Keir was very excited when Isla got home, he showed her everything in the house (his bedroom, his bed, his trains, among other things). He really has been a great big brother!
Last night went ok, Isla slept pretty well, jen was only up once after midnight. I was dealing with Keir, who on the other hand was up 4 times! There was a huge thunder storm overnight that woke him up 3 more times than normal.
The nurse was over this afternoon to check out Isla and everything looked good.
I will post an official details of the birth soon.

That is all for now
Take care Ewan

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