This is Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada, so that means a long weekend for me and an extra long weekend for Keir.
I took the Kids out to a near by park, because Jen was doing some baking for Thanksgiving Supper. It was an nice day when we went out so I brought the camera:
Here is Isla looking pretty cute, managed to keep her still for 1 minute.

Here is the photo of two seconds after the above photo, she doesn't sit still for long :-)

Keir and Isla together:

We had a great supper at my parents on Sunday, with Jen's parents and Grandmother all coming up for one big supper. Jen made an _AMAZING_ carrot cake that everyone loved.
On monday I ran off the carrot cake in a local 5km. I haven't ran a 5km in over 5 years, and I know why.... they HURT a lot. Anyways I had a good run ran 17:44 which is about 4min faster than my last 5km.
That is all for now
Take care