Keir turned 5 years old this past sunday (16th).
We tired to keep things simple and small (with moderate success). The party started with his cousins coming over early so that Jen and I could take Keir's cousin and Keir(of course) to a movie before the party started. We went and saw Madagascar 2 (which was pretty funny... not as good as the first but funny none the less)
After that it was back to our house where guests were waiting for the Birthday boy. Pizza and cake and presents and then it was time to go home.
Here are some pics from the day.
The R2-D2 birthday cake!
Blowing out the candles
His favourite present A super deluxe
A picture taken by the birthday boy himself
I still can't believe that Keir is 5 years old, but then again it does feel like I have known him forever :-)
That is all for now
Take care