Thursday, June 16, 2005

-New photo fun-

So I have posted a bunch of new photos below. I am trying out a new photosite called flickr. So far it is pretty cool. Make sure you click on the photo and you can access some cool features, like leaving comments etc.

That is all for now
Take care

flex in pool

flex in pool
Originally uploaded by apartment5b.
Keir flexing his muscles


Originally uploaded by apartment5b.
Flowers from my mums garden

Keir's Sandbox

Keir's Sandbox
Originally uploaded by apartment5b.
Keir loves his sandbox


Originally uploaded by apartment5b.
Keir has lots of toys

Keir's Chair

Keir's Chair
Originally uploaded by apartment5b.
Keir in his little chair

Water Dunk 2

Water Dunk 2
Originally uploaded by apartment5b.
Post dunk

Water Dunk

Water Dunk
Originally uploaded by apartment5b.
Keir splashing himself in the pool

Keir and his dad

Keir and his dad
Originally uploaded by apartment5b.
Me and Keir

The fence

The fence
Originally uploaded by apartment5b.
Here is the final finished fence, or as I like to call it a "Keir Restraining Device"

Keir on a beach

Keir on a beach
Originally uploaded by apartment5b.
This is my new desktop, here is Keir walking on the beach in front of my parents house


Originally uploaded by apartment5b.
Some fun with pretzels

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

-Man down-

Keir is sick! He has a temperature, which has made him a bit kranky. He doesn't know why he is sick. This is the frustrating part of being sick when you are 18months old. You can't understand why you aren't feeling well and your parents can't make feel any better.
He had no appetite all day and barely drank anything. By the end of the day he did eat a little bit of our supper and looked like he was feeling a bit better.

This past weekend we finished our little backyard project. We finished our fence between ourselves and our neighbour. With a lot of help for Murray(Jen's dad) and my Dad we got the fence finished on sunday, and I think it looks pretty good. I will post pics of it soon. We still have a couple of other projects for the backyard ( a gate and patio stones) but the backyard is starting to look a lot better.

Ok, I don't want anything for Father's Day but if I did this is what I would want:
The ultimate fathers day gift

Lets hope Keir feels better tomorrow.
That is all for now
Take Care

Thursday, June 02, 2005

-Bond, James Bond-

Here are some recent pics(click on image to enlarge):

Image hosted by This is Keir doing his James Bond impersination. He was wearing a tux because he was a ring bearer at our friends Karen and Dwayne's wedding.

Image hosted by Keir and his mom and Gran Herrington at the wedding.

Image hosted by Keir sleeping in his bed.

Image hosted by Keir decided to try his dad's shoes on, they were a little big for him.

Image hosted by Keir eating a cinnamon rasin bagel (he picks the raisins out first and then eats the bagel).

Image hosted by More eating, Keir after blueberry pancakes.

Thats is all I have for now.
Take care