Last night my parents came over for a little party for Keir's Birthday. It was just the 5 of us. On sunday we are having a bigger party for Keir's 1st birthday. We didn't want to make it a big thing but when it came time to put the list of attendee's together it just kept growing, we really wanted to share the special event with our friends and family. I think it is up to 25 people, now that may not be a lot for some people but for Jen and I that is. I always think that I don't know that many people but when you are forced to start inviting people to an event, you quickly realize that you really do know more people than you think. I am starting to go off on a tangent here so back to Keir's cake last night. I took some photos from last night.
Keir's Cake
Keir's reaction to his Cake
Mom help Keir blwo out his candle
Jen also got Keir a Balloon in the shape of an Elephant. Keir really likes elephant because of the new DVD he got.It is Baby Einstein, Baby Noah

Keir had some cake and ice cream, which he really didn't like, it may have been to sweet for him.
I am not sure if Keir realized that all the fuss was for him, but it was a nice evening.
More tomorrow
Take Care