Well I guess you can call me a Triathlete, you can still call me Ewan if you prefer :-)
On Sunday I completed the Smiths Falls Classic Triathlon. It was a blast!!!!! It was a beautiful morning and the race started at 9:30am. We spent the night at Jen's parents place who live 10mins away from the starting area. I was at the starting area by 8:20 and found a good place to rack my bike (not to close to the bike exit but not to far) and proceeded to get everything ready. I tried to watch other people to see how they set things up because I had never done it before.
We all headed down to the swim start and waited around for the your start wave (done by age). I was a bit nervous about the swim but all that went away when I got in the water (it was a little cold). I had an ok swim, I tried to stay to the outside (away from everybody) but that sort of back fired because just before the turn-around buoy I realized I had swam off course a little (ok a lot). By the turn-around I had gotten back on course. I proceeded to drift a little bit more coming up to the end of the swim (I actually ended up in some thick weeds).All in all I figure I saw an extra 100m on top of what I needed to do. I finished the swim and ran back up to the transition area.
I was a little slow in the transition area (getting ready for the bike) but once I got out on the bike I began to feel really good. I got a nice pace going and had a good 10km out. At the half way turn around, you were going into a slight head wind. I made it back in pretty good time.
My run transition went a little smoother than my bike transition (I know I have to work on those transitions). When I left the transition area for the start of the run, my stomach felt a little "funny", but I quickly forgot about it because I was focusing on the first 1km of the run, that was all UPHILL. I felt real good the whole run and was able to finish strong.
Here is me at the finish line
And here is me leaving for the start of the bike leg:
My final time was 1hr 14mins and 4secs. Good for 11th in my age group and 105th out of 331 people.
Break down of times as follows:
Swim (including transition to bike) 12:27
Bike 39:41
Run 21:57 (including transition from Bike to run)
I wasn't really concerned about my time but more about enjoying the expirience of my first triathlon. I am happy with those times (I would have like a better swim time but that can be fixed)
The whole day was so much fun, and I can't wait to do another one, I think I will be doing one on July 18th.
I had my own little cheering section, Jen, Keir and Jen's mom and Dad came out along with our friends Mark, Sara and Paige and Jen's Gran, and Jen's sister in-law and her 3 kids William, Scarlet, and Holly. Thanks to everyone for coming out.
I would recommend this race to anyone wanting to do a triathlon, it was an great location, nice people, and great atmosphere.
That is all for now
Take care
Triathlet... err I mean Ewan